Gaming Industry Blogs

Take a look at the latest trends and industry insights from the realm of gaming

The Evolution of Mobile Gaming

The Evolution of Mobile Gaming

Posted by Juegoadmin on Jul 14, 2013

Category : Gaming Industry , Mobile Game Development ,

As the gaming landscape is expanding at breakneck speed and foraying into new frontiers, charging forth are smaller, dynamic development teams. The faceless talented game coders, artists, and designers, diligently work behind the scenes of every game. Whether core or casual, console or PC, android or iOS or even social media, gaming development companies are […]

Why Outsource Game Development to India?

Why Outsource Game Development to India?

Posted by Juegoadmin on Jul 14, 2013

Category : Game Development , Gaming Industry ,

Outsource game development is growing rapidly globally in past few decades. In order to manage the development cost, the companies do outsourcing from country like China. But in recent times, India has also emerged as a very feasible option for game outsourcing. A survey by Deloitte proclaims, “More than one-third (35 percent) of survey respondents say […]

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