A banking app for Emirates NBD

Emirates game done by Juego Studio
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  • Technology : Unity3D
  • Genre : Gamification on Banking & Finance
  • Platform : iOS & Android
  • Type: Free to play

Banki is a simulation based banking app created for Emirate NBD to support customer engagement and increase awareness on banking procedures. The game revolves around ENBD infrastructure and has 5 simple levels explaining common banking procedure like how to apply for debit cards, how to activate accounts, how to deposit money through cheques and more.
The learning section which provides information on banking essentials, basics of stock markets etc. Each section has YouTube tutorials and quizzes to test skill levels. The Leaderboard lists top performers in different areas while the news section provides updated information on ENBD.


  • Created for iOS & Android
  • Banking game with 5 simple levels
  • Learning section with tutorials and quizzes
  • New section for updates
  • Tools and careers section with info on CV writing & interviews
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